Types of Hearing and Balance Testing

Understanding Hearing and Balance Testing
A hearing test includes a thorough discussion of your medical history and hearing concerns. Then, several hearing assessments will help you find out more about your unique hearing needs. Finally, we’ll review the results and make a treatment plan.


There are several types of hearing aids to match your unique hearing needs and lifestyle.


We’ll start with a detailed discussion of your medical history. We’ll talk about any existing medical conditions, medications, or past exposure to loud noises. This information helps us understand the factors that might contribute to your hearing health.


You'll be asked about any specific symptoms you may be experiencing, such as difficulty understanding speech, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), or feelings of fullness in the ears. Sharing your symptoms helps us tailor the testing process to address your unique concerns.


We’ll perform several hearing tests to find out more about what sounds you can hear and what sounds you might be missing. This can include pure-tone testing, speech testing, and more.


Following the tests, we’ll talk about your results. These are plotted on an audiogram—a visual representation of your hearing ability across different frequencies. Your hearing health specialist will discuss the findings with you, explaining any hearing loss and potential solutions.


Based on the assessment, we’ll make recommendations tailored to your specific needs. This could include hearing aid options, communication strategies, or further diagnostic tests. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the next steps in managing your hearing health.

Types of Hearing Tests

This test involves wearing headphones and listening to tones at different frequencies. You'll respond by pressing a button or raising your hand when you hear a sound. Pure-tone audiometry provides insights into the softest sounds you can hear across various pitches.

The Importance of Regular Hearing Assessments

Regular hearing assessments are crucial for several reasons

Detect Hearing Loss Early

Regular testing lets you detect hearing issues early on, enabling prompt intervention and preventing further deterioration.

Preventing Cognitive Decline

Untreated hearing loss has been linked to cognitive decline and an increased risk of conditions like Alzheimer's disease. Regular assessments contribute to cognitive health.

Improved Quality of Life

Addressing hearing loss early enhances overall quality of life, ensuring you can actively participate in conversations, enjoy social interactions, and engage fully in daily activities.

Customized Hearing Solutions

Regular assessments let us monitor changes in hearing health and adjust treatment plans accordingly. This ensures that you always have the most effective and tailored hearing solutions.

Balance Testing

Do you have balance issues?
Balance testing can help us determine if your balance concerns are caused by problems in the ear. This gives you more information about your overall balance and stability and can inform treatment options. Here are some balance tests we may perform.

Videonystagmography (VNG)

VNG is a common test for assessing balance and inner ear function. You’ll wear infrared goggles, and your eye movements are tracked while you perform specific head and body movements. This helps diagnose issues like vestibular disorders.

Rotary Chair Testing

Rotary chair testing involves sitting in a chair that moves in various directions while eye movements are recorded. This provides information about the function of the semicircular canals in the inner ear.

Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (VEMP)

VEMP measures the electrical activity in the muscles that control balance. It helps diagnose certain vestibular disorders and provides insights into the health of the inner ear.

Real Hearing

We prioritize not only your ability to hear but also your overall auditory well-being.
Our hearing health specialists provide thorough and personalized hearing and balance assessments. Whether you have hearing loss, need customized solutions, or want balance testing, Real Hearing is your partner in navigating the world of sound and stability.
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